Thursday, January 28, 2010

Foot Fetish What Is The Source And The Cause Of This "foot Fetish" Thing?

What is the source and the cause of this "foot fetish" thing? - foot fetish

I see people have already asked several questions about the foot fetish, but what interests me is how on earth almost every man has a foot fetish. I mean, I do not know a man who has this fetish. Is there something deeply unconscious, that a psychologist can not disclose, or something else?


jake696 said...

I have a foot fetish ... the deep. High-arched feet leave me unhappy woman ... Put some Polish Red Finger (tattoo is terrible!) And I'll do anything for them!

I can not go changing Women's feet and legs are in turn in large ... unless they are ugly ... Then it can be a showstopper! LOL ...

I'm glad that it was discussed today, 20 years ago, this topic is almost unknown. I tried to delete it, but in vain! It dates back to well before puberty for me.

bg said...

I am a man and not a foot fetish. In fact, I do not know exactly what someone would be interested in the feet. Women have a number of other body parts that are much more interesting. I do not know any other man with a foot fetish. At least, never said anything about it, and they had this fetish I feel like I wanted. I have friends with a fetish or unusual, or if you are paranoid about their own desires.

Baddshoe said...

as jake696 said. and I knew what I was. Women's feet when I was born. I mean, I tried to remember things when I 5 years. I see it more as a love so deep, foot-headed women, too. If I these foot fetish women love to a woman, that's all.

but not on what the most interesting in the womans body A. Love everything about your body and soul.

Hanzie said...

I do not know fetish, but I know. It can be very deeply hidden, if every man who knows that he is doing. If you mean the real reason for the fetish, the free encyclopedia obvious: ...

blitz said...

and gives children a little like **** (I can say that the instinct of ****?) juice

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