Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ice Skate Sharpening After Sharpening My Ice Skates Will To Be Ok To Go For My Lesson?

After sharpening my ice skates will to be ok to go for my lesson? - ice skate sharpening

I have my skates sharpened, as they slip a little. However, my skating lesson at the beginning of the session skating, so I will not get used to being able to b4 the lesson. Is it OK for me skating in them or find it difficult?


pinksk8e... said...

That should go. It can get used to, but you may find you like the leaves of the optimum. Each skater has his personal preferences - some, such as Sharp and others not. Before your lesson, make a few stops and crossings to get some of them feel, but do not worry - you get to it quickly. Good luck! :)

[[Dee]] said...

Yes, it should be ok. You should be a little slippery at first, but it should be fine. =]]

Good Luckk!

fdlovell said...

If your experience is a skater should be no time to use them.

model&he... said...

yess a little more difficult to stop, and might feel a little softer. If you try to go in half an hour or two, so that you can work on some

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