Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Can I Keep My Aquarium Heated During A Power Outage A Few Aquarium Questions?

A few aquarium questions? - how can i keep my aquarium heated during a power outage

I have only one question in mind aquarium. Please respond to background, thank you! =)

1) Although the color of an aquarium and there is no chlorine in the tank is safe to use a gravel vacuum to kill all the sewer or fish in the future work to change the water?

2) I know that bettas heated and filtered tank, but it would not be correct if the filter removed and the left simply with the heating? He lives in a tank 5 gallons with a filter on the road today.

3) My Betta has finrot yi is not the medicine soon Heres my plan, but please make suggestions to help you. Note: I use salt and water changes for the care =)

1) conservation of water. approximately 72-76 degrees F.

2) Add a teaspoon of aquarium salt

3) the next day, add a teaspoon of salt aquarium again

4) The 3rd World Water Day to change something, I change water every two days during the treatment of salt

5) Repeat

This is a good plan? Please make suggestions, but I say "NO NO NO NO NO THATS how you do it BLABLABLA! "

Note: You finrot signs along the road and is only a small black stain at the tail and fins is a little bent, so I think this treatment works since the very beginning

Thank you:)

1 comment:

Noota Oolah said...

Remember that chlorine evaporates over time, so it is advisable to use a siphon.

Why should we filter? They reduce the life of your fish.

Do 50% water changes every 4 days with adequate salt. Finrot is often caused by poor water quality in the first place.

1 tablespoon salt 5 liters of water.

Curling fins and tail is a sign of malnutrition is not finrot.

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