Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hemorrhoids Uk Labels...*LOL*?

Labels...*LOL*? - hemorrhoids uk

Current label directions
If I were a further proof that the human race needs to fail are condemned by stupidity, here are some instructions in the current label consumer products:

1. On a blanket from Taiwan - should not be used as protection against tornadoes.

2. A helmet mounted mirror used by U.S. cyclists - Remember, objects in mirror are actually behind you.

3. Lead to a Taiwanese shampoo - Repeated use of heavy damage.

4. At the top of a bottle (UK) flavored milk drink - is possible after the opening.

5. New Zealand insect spray - This product is not tested on animals.

6. Create In a U.S. guide to a new team - to avoid condensation, allow the box is warm to room temperature before opening. (Sensible, but the lesson was in the box.)

7. On a Japanese product used to relieve painful hemorrhoids - was lying in my bed and slowly projections INSERT POSCOOL by a sword-guard on the anal canal. When inserting POSCOOL for about 5 minutes of silence.

8. Inin some countries at the bottom of Coke bottles - OPEN the other end.

9. Try in a package of raisins Sunman - why not, their favorite breakfast cereal refuse?

10. Use On a Sears hairdryer - DO NOT while you sleep

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