Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cooking Oil Spray Vs Cooking Spray VS Cooking Oil?

Cooking Spray VS Cooking Oil? - cooking oil spray vs

What do you do?

I use cooking spray because there is no fat.
I spray extra virgin olive oil when cooking Italian food, jet corn oil when cooking regularly for Mexican / other, not cooking spray when I cook Asian dishes. When I tell other cooking spray can reduce 50grams of fat you eat, if food is cooked by boiling, I can not believe that her body fat during the long oil when the high end of the taste of the food and the same. . probably know even better, it is not thick. I know that cooking with olive oil is very healthy, but still thick.


crkrjx said...

Learn what a serving ... because "fat" can be misleading ...

You are an aerosol cooking without fat or fat-free aerosols actually butter? This answer is not so simple.

Cooking spray Teflon spray and butter are vegetable oils, which can contain fat. But thanks to its technology for spraying, part by part so small that the fat content is low.

And, by the laws of nutrition labeling, a product be labeled fat free if a serving contains less than 0.5 grams of fat.

However, aerosols and non-fat butter can be a useful tool when you are watching your weight, but still on the trigger, or you will get more calories from fat () and I expected.

In fact, a customer think of the error, ie, fat free and uses a whole bottle, "I can not believe it, It's Not Butter Spray 'vegetables in your diet friendly and baked potato. C' more than 800 calories of pure fat!

hypertro... said...

I use, depending on the court.
In Chinese cuisine, sesame oil, the taste is often necessary and can not use cooking spray.

Nocturna... said...

I'm going to olive oil or avocardo

Alexis said...

Extra virgin olive oil is good for you ..

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