Saturday, February 13, 2010

How Long Can I Go Without Treating Hydronephrosis How Can I Get Free Or Inexpensive Health Insurance?

How can I get Free or Inexpensive health insurance? - how long can i go without treating hydronephrosis

Im 15, and last month I had an internal hemorrhoids. When I discovered for the first reading of the symptoms I had, and that there is a hemorrhoids, trying at once, it could be done better. I ate a lot of fiber per tonne glass of water, more exercise, improve my posture, everything. But no matter what I do, it hurts more in the stool, and sometimes even blood.

The first time it happened, I said to my mother. She does not care. It only means that the consumption of alcohol after my departure.

I read more about them and how they can lead to colon cancer, has spent too much time if left untreated. Again, I told my mother. I told him I needed to see a doctor, he only said so well, then spend that "s too expensive to go to the doctor. She said she tries to insurance, but I was rejected ...

For the last few months, I thought ... "The money is worth my health ...?"

Is there anything I can do?


Laurie G said...

"Speak" in the past you have questions about your heart .... If you are aged 15 years is considered a minor. Most states have programs for minors can receive health care free or at very low cost. You should ask the school nurse (or a teacher you trust) to contribute to their health.

If your father is not willing to judge appropriate care, or at least a physical examination of what "real problem" vs. "self", then it must try to get the help of another trusted adult.

* L *

jonnygai... said...

Moving to Canada

JPH said...

Unfortunately, this is a situation that is increasingly relevant in today's world. Health insurance is high but are now further. Depending on where you live, you can start at around $ 100 on. The best I can recommend is in a university or hospital to see Training Center.

Wizard of Oz said...

Have you talked with a health professional school?
You can also try any type of health of young people call a lawyer, you will find in the directory to be found. (Begin with Health Agency of State)
You might even try to see the call to the main hospitals in your area whether they have health care for homeless young people.
Do not give up!
Also try to priests (pastors, ministers, etc.), readers will help churches, even if you are not member of the church .... We are all children of God!

ravin_lu... said...

If you do not already live here, come to California! We have more of our own citizens, legal certainty and locals! You can receive free medical and hospital stay. No slap on the wrist or nuttin! However, if you live here you are in difficulties.

Prevent Indeed, not with the insurance that you can get help. The problem is his mother. She needs a lobotomy and kick his ass! The other problem is, without parental consent, you can get any help anywhere. They are underage. In other words, if you live in California. Are you a parent who can help? And anything else you can to the social services office and ask them to take as an orphan or something. All rights are taken away from his mother, but he could receive medical care.

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