Friday, February 19, 2010

Panera Bread Dried Apple Chips Recipe Please Tell Me How To Cook Bread As Delicious As That From Panera With A Crusty Outside And A Chewy Inside?

Please tell me how to cook bread as delicious as that from Panera with a crusty outside and a chewy inside? - panera bread dried apple chips recipe

I could be a meal of this bread. Its flavor is much better than the variety of foods that are dry and boring. I love Panera best French baguettes. Please give me the recipe for a crispy crust outside and soft .. Thank you very much


mr danger said...

If you are on exactly how to purchase a copy of each edition of Professional Cooking by Wayne Gisslén take seriously. This is the reference manual for many good culinary schools.
All you have problems, is to rebuild what the microwave steam injection, creates scaly bark.
The lack of warmth, a very important problem
Cover the bottom of your oven tiles cut
Use a rectangular brick
Use the method of the sponge instead of the direct method of the masses in order to enhance the taste of bread
After drilling, the dough and divide into portions carrying out an operation necessary for the town expanded as gluten and distributes food for the yeast
See exactly how Gisslén
JuPart is simply a piece of bread you like a snake out of clay
We must act quickly, before Jesus Christ is the bread of life.
Test covered with a skin of wood pizza
Open the oven until the bread to slide into the shell and stone
Bake at 400 internal temp 190
Turn around and bang, it should sound hollow

Heather L said...

Most of the recipe, the oven!

You can achieve these results better with a stone oven that is possible with a conventional oven ... very difficult if not impossible to achieve with a stove at home.

You can find the bread very well at home to bake, but this particular texture that we are talking about is an old technique that requires building the world of intense radiant heat of an old style stone oven, commercial oven, or a very expensive and to professional conditions . imitate

I cook a lot, and I can not the crust / Trades soft texture that you can cook a very tasty bread can (the crust is not the same as the chewyness not good). An oven at home is not easy. It is also the same reason that if the pizza you can cook your house is not H.ooklyn stone oven crispness () with the same dough recipe. It is not) even for the same reason that even come baked Nan (flat bread from India) like the Indian restaurant with a tandoori oven (oven.

Brick is the best. Definitely bake bread at home, but do not feel bad if you go to Panera to meet your needs to have cortex.

Proud to be 51 said...

French Baguettes

1 cup water
2 1 / 2 cups flour, bread
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 1 / 2 teaspoon of yeast in bread machine
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon water

Place 1 cup water, flour, sugar, salt and yeast in bread machine in order recommended by the manufacturer. Select the dough cycle and press Start.
When dough cycle is complete, place in a greased bowl, cover on all sides. Cover and grow in a warm place about 30 minutes or until doubled in volume. Dough is ready when entry is affected when.

Punch the dough. Roll on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle about cm 16x12. Cut dough in half, forming two 8x12 inch rectangles. Roll each half of the dough well, the12 inches square, is the air bubbles as you go. Roll gently from front to back or down. Place 3 inches apart on a greased baking sheet. Make deep diagonal over the bread every 2 cm, or a longitudinal section in every pocket. Cover and grow in a warm place 30 to 40 minutes or until doubled in volume.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 ° C). Mix egg yolk with 1 tablespoon water and brush over loaves.

Bake golden brown for 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven, or until it.

This is not a French baguette, but has a crunchy crust and a wonderfully delicious too soft on the inside ...

Country White Bread

2 (.25 ounce) packages dry yeast
2 cups hot water (110 degrees to 115 degrees)
Sugar 1 / 2 cup
1 tablespoon salt
2 eggs beaten
1 / 4 cup vegetable oil
6 1 / 2 cups all purpose flour

In a large bowl, dissolve yeast into the water. Sugar, salt, eggs, oil and 3 cups flour, beat until smooth. Add the remaining flour and soft enough for a batter. Go on a floured surface until smooth and elastic, 6 to knead 8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turn once to grease top. Cover and grow in a warm place until twice, about 1 Punch the dough. Divide in half and shape into loaves. In two greased 9-inch. x 5-in. x 3-in loaf pan. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 1 hour. Bake at 375 ° F for 25 to 30 minutes or until they are brown. , Remove to cool on the shelves of the kitchen thread.

sinfully... said...

Sol 3 / 4 cup (6 ounces) lukewarm water (95-105 ° F)
3 / 4 c. Cup (0.1 ounces) fresh yeast
1 1 / 2 cups (10.5 ounces) sourdough beginners
1 1 / 2 cups (7.3 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 1 / 4 cup (6 ounces) whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon tablespoons (0.5 ounces) salt
Sourdough starters, Level 1, 1 cup (8.375 ounces) warm water (95-105 ° F)
1 / 2 teaspoon (0.07 ounces) fresh yeast
1 cup (8 ounces) butter
1 1 / 2 cups (12.33 ounces) plain yogurt
2 cups (9.75 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 / 3 cup (2 ounces) semolina
1 cup (2.5 ounces) of red grapes, washed medium
Sourdough beginners, Level 2, Level 1, all starters
2 cups (9.75 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 cup (4.875 ounces) semolina
1 / 2 teaspoon (0.07 ounces) fresh yeast
2Cups (16 ounces) warm water (95-105 ° F)

For sourdough bread, mix warm water and yeast in the bowl of a stand mixer. Stir to dissolve the yeast. Add the yeast for beginners, flour and salt. (Note: If refrigerated, bring sourdough for the beginner to room temperature before use.) Blend at low speed until the dough is fully developed. Remove the dough from bowl. Form the dough into a smooth ball and in a medium bowl, lightly greased with olive oil. Cover and refrigerate for 16 hours. Remove bowl from refrigerator and ferment at room temperature for 6 hours.

Divided the dough into 2 equal portions and shape into loaves. Place the bread on the counter or in a basket of evidence, and with a damp cloth and warm. Test breadt room temperature for 2 hours. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Other tests the loaves at room temperature for 1 hour.

Score the loaves with a sharp knife, a spray bottle with water and cook until golden brown for 30 to 40 minutes or until crust is bread and half of the 190-200 °.

Remove pan from oven and cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes. If the loaf of bread is baked remove pans from the kitchen with the cold pan.

Note: For a more intense bitter taste, to extend the cooling time of the mass of a 6 to 8 hours more.

Since leaven for Beginners, Level 1: Mix warm water and yeast in a medium bowl. Stir to dissolve the yeast. Add the butter, yogurt, all-purpose flour and SemolaNE of flour in the bowl and stir until ingredients are completely incorporated. Red Grape Wrap unwashed safely in gauze or a clean cloth and dip small kitchen towel in the mixture. Ferment at room temperature for 12 hours.

Step 2: Remove the cloth carefully with the mixture of grapes, with a spatula on each owner that the substance out and back scratching back into the bowl. Press the fabric with grapes from the bowl, catching the juice in the cup. Discard clothing and raisins, and mix the starter until the juice is fully integrated. Add all the flour and meal to the starter. Pour into a bowl, add yeast to warm water, stir until yeast is completely dissolved, then add this mixture to the starter. MixBe starters, all the ingredients until completely incorporated. Ferment at room temperature for 4 hours prior to the application or cover and refrigerate for future use.

Makes 2 loaves

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